Wisdom teeth removal surgery is the most common oral surgery in the USA. While a lot of people get them removed early in life, many have to take up extraction because of various complications and oral health problems that wisdom teeth cause. Like any other surgery, there are certain kinds of food that the patient is supposed to avoid. But particularly in the case of oral surgeries, it is important to stick to the doctor’s suggested diet so that the teeth are not put under pressure, and secondary problems do not occur.

Wisdom teeth extraction is a major surgical procedure. Many people look up for food and diet they should consume until they recover from surgery. Hence we bring to you a piece talking about the foods that you should and should not eat.


Doctors suggest eating soft foods after surgery. To better understand the importance of complying with the diet, you should first know what the procedure is and what the condition of your mouth would be after the operation.

Wisdom teeth surgery is a complex process, and the level of complication depends on the condition of your teeth. If your wisdom teeth are fully erupted out of your gum, the process is simple and similar to other tooth removal procedures. With this kind of surgery, your recovery period would also be less relative to when there is impaction in your teeth.

In the case of impaction in wisdom teeth, that is when your teeth are partially or wholly under the gum. This is a difficult situation and is the reason behind most problems preventing which wisdom teeth are removed. The doctor has to cut through the jawbone and the soft tissue to reach the tooth in this scenario. A lot of times, the teeth are taken out in pieces to avoid the jawbone from getting damaged. This is a painful condition, and recovery time is also extended comparatively.


Food After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Following is the general outline for diet after wisdom teeth surgery. Make sure to consult with your dentists for a more customized plan.

FOR THE FIRST 24 HOURS: Only liquids and some soft foods should be consumed for the first and even the second day after surgery. Soups are the best option as they hydrate you and add a good nutritious value. These soups should be served lukewarm or cold as hot foods can trigger sensitivity.

AFTER 3 DAYS: Two to three days after the operation, you can switch to semi-solid foods. Eat something like boiled potatoes or scrambled eggs that are easy to gulp in and do not require a lot of chewing. Bear in mind that the recovery timeline for different people varies, and thus, you need to take your doctor’s word to ensure proper healing and complete recovery.

DRINKS TO HELP WITH PAIN AND INFLAMMATION: The mouth is kept open wide for around 45 minutes during wisdom teeth surgeries. This can cause sore throat, bruised lips, and inflammation in the gums. Therefore, lukewarm chamomile tea, green tea, and other soothing drinks can be used for relaxing. You can also make smoothies to add flavor to the diet.

After wisdom teeth surgery, your diet can get a little bland. Because of the bruising and increased sensitivity of the teeth, extremely hot foods are strictly forbidden. Soft semi-solid foods and mild drinks of different flavors are healthy and add texture and taste to the otherwise bland diet. Ice-creams and desserts can also be taken a few hours after surgery to help ease the pain. It is paramount that your doctor is informed about any existing health conditions and prescription history for the best diet plan.


There is a certain kind of foods and drinks that are strictly prohibited after surgery because of the complications they can cause. For a week or more, until you fully recover, try avoiding them.

Food that can get stuck at the site of extraction should be avoided. After the removal, the empty socket is covered by a blood clot. Things like rice and beans can dislodge that clot and get stuck in the dry socket from which removing them could get hard.

Foods that are difficult and hard to chew put pressure on the teeth, causing pain. They can also open the stitches and prolong healing.

Cigarettes and vape are a big no for at least 10-20 days after surgery. It is known that cigarette smoke increases the chances of alveolar osteitis or dry sockets, which is a severe condition. Other than that, tobacco should also not be chewed after the surgery as it raises the risk of inflammation and could also get trapped between teeth.

Drinks like hot tea, coffee, and alcohol should be avoided. They could negatively impact your mouth after the operation, and alcohol might not go well with the doctor’s prescription.

Spicy and acidic foods, including citrus fruits, may irritate and cause inflammation and pain.


For the first 2-3 days, stick to semi-solid foods, ice creams, desserts, and a fluid-based diet. Gradually you can start having solid food. Recovery time varies from patient to patient. Depending on the pace of your healing, you can resume eating solid foods little by little if they do not cause pain while chewing. Sticking to the doctor’s suggested diet guidelines can hasten the process of recovery.

Ensure that doctor knows about all your existing health conditions and is informed of the medicines you take and the history of surgeries. This would help them accordingly devise a personalized diet plan for you.


Wisdom teeth surgery is a major operation and can lead to many complications like dry sockets, swelling, nerve damage, fever, nausea, etc. All of them are serious conditions, and to minimize their probability, there are some precautions which patients should take. Some of them are as follows:

MAINTAINING ORAL HYGIENE: It goes without saying that taking care of oral hygiene is essential after surgery. Wisdom teeth extraction can cause infection, inflammation, and gum diseases in the mouth. Regularly brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash can prevent all these problems as they would not allow bacteria to accumulate at the extraction site. However, it is essential not to brush too hard as it can dislodge the blood clot essential to healing.

REGULAR DENTAL CHECKUP: Regularly getting your teeth examined by a dentist is important for every individual. But after teeth extraction, it becomes even more imperative to schedule regular appointments with your doctor because that is necessary to ensure healthy teeth and gums.

TAKING MEDICINES ON TIME: Your doctor would prescribe you some medicines to kill pain and other resulting problems. Painkillers might include Paracetamol (acetaminophen) and Ibuprofen. If they don’t help with the pain, ask your doctor to suggest some other medicine.

Enzyme Bromelain can be administered to help with inflammation. A combination of acetaminophen and ibuprofen can also work for some people. All these medicines should be taken on time as per the prescription. The doctor should be well aware of what medicines you are already taking.

AVOIDING HARDCORE EXERCISES: Hardcore strenuous exercises, cardio, and sauna can slow down the process of recovery and are also dangerous for your teeth. For relaxation and workouts, you can try easy yoga poses, at least for a week.

REST: As with any other surgery, rest is crucial for recovery after surgery. At least take a week before you resume your daily activities.

TALKING TO YOUR DOCTOR ABOUT ANY COMPLICATIONS: If you see pyrexia (high fever), repeated vomiting, nausea, profuse bleeding, high blood pressure, severe sensitivity, and sharp, excruciating pain after surgery, immediately get in touch with your doctor. It could be because of some post-operational complications or the side effects of medicines. Therefore, ignoring them won’t be wise and could worsen the symptoms.

Talk to your health advisor or dentist before the surgery, do your research and know what to expect after the operation beforehand. Knowing well about the possibilities that could result from the surgery, its aftermath, side effects of the operation, and drugs is essential for good care. You should be well aware of what is expected and should not ignore any painful conditions.


For recovery after surgery and to maintain dental health, it is important to abide by your doctor’s instructions. Eating soft-boiled foods and drinking fluids might get a little bland, but it is essential for healing. Check out some healthy soup and smoothie recipes on the internet and go all-in with creativity in your diet to add some texture and flavor. Also, if you have any questions or you have some exciting recipes to share, comment down below.