What to Expect The Day Of Your Surgery


  • No food after 11:00 pm the night before.
  • We encourage you to drink plenty of water up to 2 hours before your appointment.
  • Wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing with short sleeves.
  • Once you are in the chair, we will start an IV and the nurse anesthetist will make sure you are comfortable.
  • The extractions usually take 20-30 minutes and the patient is usually in the back for about 60 minutes.
  • Once you are aroused from sedation you will be reunited with the person who brought you and escorted to your vehicle.
  • And that is it, your wisdom teeth are “All Out!”


  • Come to our Location:1490 E Foremaster Drive, Suite 320. St. George, UT. 84790. We are in the large 3 story building. We are on the 3rd floor at the end of the hallway on the Left.
  • Parking: Park in the main parking lot upon arrival. After your procedure you will be picked up in the roundabout by the front door.
  • Arrive 15 minutes before your procedure time.
  • 1 caretaker required per person. (If you have two kids having their teeth out on the same day, each will need a responsible adult)


  • Most patients will be sent home with a prescription for an antibiotic and pain medicine. Please take them as directed and complete the antibiotic as directed.
  • Get the patient home and comfortable, then fill the prescriptions.


  • Do not leave the patient alone for the first 8 hours.
  • Patients generally report minimal pain on the first day. They will feel sleepy, sore, and sometimes hungry. Eating is not important, however, they should start to drink fluids as soon as possible
  • Apply ice to the cheeks beginning the day of surgery for 24 hours or for as long as it feels good. Bags of frozen peas are the best! (20 minutes on / 20 minutes off) 50% of patients will get “chipmunk cheeks”. This is your body’s natural immune response to the extractions and is totally normal and will go away in 3-5 days.
  • You will likely feel pain in the extraction sites, soreness in your jaw, and may experience some bleeding. This is all normal and should go away in 5-7 days.

Eating and Drinking

  • REMEMBER – Drink plenty of fluids!
    What: Water, Gatorade, etc. Stay Hydrated!
  • Eat as soon as you feel ready.
  • What: Soft foods & cold foods
    Mashed potatoes, ice cream, apple sauce, popsicles, soup, broth, Greek yogurt, scrambled eggs, protein shakes, oatmeal, etc.

Foods to Avoid

  • Spicy Foods, chips, chewy foods, alcohol foods with seeds, rice.
  • No sucking through a straw for 4 days
  • No driving or operating heavy equipment on the day of surgery.
  • No smoking
  • Avoid alcohol while recovering

When To Call Us!

  • Swollen cheeks that are “hot” to the touch indicating an infection
  • Pain that does not resolve after 5 days.
  • Excessive bleeding that you cannot stop by biting on gauze.

Dr. Emett’s Mobile Number: 435-313-5752
Dr. Emett’s Email: [email protected]
Main Office: 435-414-3111 – follow prompts to be connected to Dr. Emett.